
Hoge Fenton’s Fall 2012 Employment Law Seminar

By Hoge Fenton | 08.15.2012 | Speaking Engagements & Firm Events

Date September 25, 26 and 27, 2012
Time 8:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
Location Santa Cruz (9/25), San Jose (9/26), Pleasanton (9/27)

Making Leaves of Absence Less Acronymonious

FMLA, CFRA, PDL, PFL, SDI — What do all the acronyms mean and, more importantly, what do they mean for you?  Understanding, coordinating, and accommodating leaves of absence can be challenging.  Are your employees entitled to a leave of absence?  Are leaves of absence paid or unpaid?  Are employees entitled to continue their health benefits while on leave?  Can you terminate an employee on leave because you prefer the employee who is temporarily filling-in?  This seminar will provide you with the tools you need to comply with state and federal leave requirements – critical for any human resources professional or business owner.  We will address leaves of absence related to family, medical, pregnancy, disability, bone marrow/organ donation, voting, school activities, child care, and military service issues.

Given that the U.S. Supreme Court recently upheld the constitutionality of the individual health care mandate under The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, we will also provide an overview of how health care reform affects you as a California employer.

Attendees will come away from this seminar with an understanding of:

  • Which leave laws apply to you, and which employees are eligible for a leave
  • How to coordinate state and federal leave laws
  • Designating leaves of absence and obtaining medical certifications
  • The definition of disability and reasonable accommodation
  • How to address abuse and misuse of leaves of absence
  • How to handle intermittent leaves of absence
  • How to handle pay, performance evaluation, and benefits issues for an employee on leave
  • Whether you can terminate or replace an employee who is on leave
  • Managing an employee’s return to work

Who Should Attend:
Business owners and managers, CEOs, CFOs, COOs, attorneys, human resource professionals, and anyone responsible for hiring, managing, and firing personnel.

Registration Details:
Registration fee is $35 for non-Hoge Fenton clients, and includes program materials and a continental breakfast.

If you are a client, please contact Patty Blanquies, or 408.947.2487, to register at no charge.

Registration includes program materials and 2 hours of MCLE/CPE. This program has been submitted to the HR Certification Institute for Review.

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