
Take a Bite Out of Data Security Breaches & Fraud

By Hoge Fenton | 08.27.2012 | Speaking Engagements & Firm Events

Date September 26, 2012
Time 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Location Abbott, Stringham & Lynch, 1550 Leigh Ave., San Jose, CA 95125

Are your employees, customers and your business safe from the fall-out of data security breaches and fraud? Is the complacency of “that would never happen here” creating unnecessary risk? What would you do if it did happen to you? When it comes to data security breaches and fraud, an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of detection. Learn how to identify and mitigate the risks within your organization, and when a breach or fraud does occur, how to find it and respond before irreparable damage is done.
Our speakers will provide you with a 360 degree perspective, including accounting, legal, and operational on:

  • How to assess data security & fraud risks within your organization
  • How to handle a data security breach
  • Essentials of good internal controls
  • Fraud detection, investigation & response
  • Insights from a former CFO

Stephanie Sparks, Attorney, Hoge Fenton
Deepa Bhat, CPA, Audit Manager, Abbott, Stringham & Lynch
Jonathan Laddy, CPA, Tax Manager, Abbott, Stringham & Lynch

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